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Das schreckliche Zebra
Im Warenkorb

The Terrible Zebra

Photos and Their Stories
Published by Diogenes as Das schreckliche Zebra
Original Title: Das schreckliche Zebra

Old photos that inspire the imagination of the contemporary viewer in a captivating way. Veering from strange to touching, they continually pose the question: What on earth was going on? Klaus Cäsar Zehrer was inspired by pictures like these to create short stories, scenes and poems – from tender to ruthless, from poetic to unreservedly silly. And Shakespeare’s 155th love sonnet is in there too.

General Fiction
256 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

Film rights are handled by Diogenes

»Klaus Caesar Zehrer resists the temptation of becoming scornful by making imaginative digressions in the style of his hero Robert Gernhardt.«

Rolf Hürzeler / Die Weltwoche, Zurich