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Tomi Ungerers fünf fabelhafte Fabeltiere
Im Warenkorb

Five Fabulous Fabled Animals

In One Volume
Published by Diogenes as Tomi Ungerers fünf fabelhafte Fabeltiere
Original Title: Five Fabulous Fabled Animals
›Crictor‹, the good snake that is not only an ideal toy but also ideal for capturing burglars. ›Adelaide‹, the flying kangaroo that not only looks good as a girl in a revue but also as a fireman. ›Emil‹, the helpful octopus that is not only a talented musician but also has had some success stopping smugglers. ›Rufus‹, the colourful bat who discovers the vividness of the world for himself and gets a headache from doing so. ›Orlando‹, the brave vulture that not only can act as a messenger pigeon but also brings families together.

Children's books
240 pages
ab 4 Jahren


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