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Falsche Zungen
Im Warenkorb

False Tongues

Collected Stories
Published by Diogenes as Falsche Zungen
Original Title: Falsche Zungen
There is a Spanish saying, »The tongue is like a dagger in the flesh.« But what happens when a mother and son speak in false tongues, deceiving each other at every turn? Ingrid Noll's Collected Short Stories relate the tales of unusual mothers and peculiar men. How did the virgin give birth to a child? The book begins with a retelling of the story of Christmas. A conservative dominatrix, an unhappy mother, an amorous dog, a carnival souvenir and an unusual half-sister narrate the joys and suffering of motherhood. The men too display unexpected talents, whether it be collecting autographs, fishing, knitting sweaters, inviting home their female students – or even bumping off their wives in elegant fashion. Malicious pleasures bring variety into everyday drudgery, and unexpected presents lead to an ill-fated Christmas…

Crime fiction, General Fiction
256 pages
