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Der Zauberberg, die ganze Geschichte
Im Warenkorb

Magic Mountain, the Full Story

Published by Diogenes as Der Zauberberg, die ganze Geschichte
Original Title: Der Zauberberg, die ganze Geschichte

The history of the >Magic Mountain< in its entirety: from the early days of Davos, via Thomas Mann, to the World Economic Forum. An expansive panorama of 20th Century history.

A lovesick narrator journeys with his daughter to snowy Davos. Their ›family vacation‹ becomes an enjoyable meditation on the effects of the modern age, skiing and the tuberculosis pandemic. Ohler also explores how a poor mountain village became the symbol of global wealth. And, just like in Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain, the truly difficult questions emerge amid the masses of snow: In what way do our ways of life need to change? And what kind of world are we passing on to our children?