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Leute, die an die Tür klopfen
Im Warenkorb

People Who Knock on the Door

Published by Diogenes as Leute, die an die Tür klopfen
Original Title: People who Knock on the Door

When Richard Alderman becomes a born-again Christian, his conversion rips his once close-knit family apart. He and his youngest son, Robbie, embrace their newfound faith, while his eldest son, Arthur, rejects it. Caught in the middle of the ensuing web of lies is his wife, Lois, as she struggles to keep the peace. But when the church elders start to interfere in Arthur's love life, events spiral toward violence.

In this masterful novel, Patricia Highsmith weaves a powerful tale about blind faith and the slippery notion of justice.


General Fiction, Crime fiction
384 pages
