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Auf beiden Seiten
Im Warenkorb

On Both Sides

Published by Diogenes as Auf beiden Seiten
Original Title: Auf beiden Seiten
Dr. Armand Gruber always played an imposing role in Swiss journalist Mario’s life. Gruber is a man of old school ways. A brilliant German teacher, Swiss Army captain, fervent anti-communist. And for decades, he had been leading a double life. No one suspected anything. Not his wife and not his daughter Bettina, who had rebelled against her father her entire life. Nor his former favourite student and son-in-law Mario, who had to break away from Gruber, in order to become a left-wing journalist. Nor Bettina’s best friend Karina, who, as a daughter of a custodian working for the Swiss secret service, grew up in close proximity to Gruber’s secret. For he was a member of the secret resistance organisation of the Swiss army, P-26. Now, two decades after the end of the Cold War, Gruber can finally break his silence.

General Fiction
336 pages

»Credible characters and skilled language.«
Regula Tanner / Brigitte, Zurich
»Exciting and revealing reading.«
Stefan Rammer / Passauer Neue Presse
»Credible characters and skilled language.«
Regula Tanner / Brigitte, Zurich
»Exciting and revealing reading.«
Stefan Rammer / Passauer Neue Presse
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