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Tomi Ungerer's Geheimes Skizzenbuch
Im Warenkorb

The Underground Sketchbook

Published by Diogenes as Tomi Ungerer's Geheimes Skizzenbuch
Original Title:

Tomi Ungerer’s famous and infamous graphic masterpiece.

A visual satirical critique of society.

Tomi Ungerer is at the apex of his graphic art in these pages. His deceptively simple sketches, some of them done only in black ink, are an abyss of human desires. Satirically exaggerated to the point of agony, full of vicious wit and absurd ideas, they hit the reader hard with their intelligence and clear-sightedness.

Art, cartoon, photography
160 pages


»It was essential for Ungerer to get to the fundamentals, without hesitation, without glossing anything over.«

Luca Raffaelli / Il Venerdi di Repubblica, Rome