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Selige Witwen
Im Warenkorb

Blissfully Widowed

Published by Diogenes as Selige Witwen
Original Title: Selige Witwen
Was there ever a closer women's friendship than that between Maja and Cora in ›Die Häupter meiner Lieben‹? Yet it is not only from men that the merrily murdering maidens emancipate themselves, but from each other too, when the fight for happiness begins... It was and is nothing new, the fact that men hardly look at me when Cora is by my side. How can my straight, light brown hair compete with her red lion's mane? My grey eyes with her green ones? People trying to be kind say I am small but fine, whereas Cora is described as a »dream woman« or a »thoroughbred«. From afar, probably nobody sees me at all. This is what Maja is thinking as she longs to escape from the shadow of her friend. And yet they are really so inseparable. After all, good girls go to heaven, and Maja and Cora can go anywhere they please if they stick together. It is not only in Tuscany that there are so many battles to be fought for villas and riches. Frankfurt am Main is another tough place: the two friends help some other women in their fight against a pimp and a lawyer with close associations with the red-light milieu. Maja impresses Cora by her spectacular actions; as in times gone by, they join forces and vanquish the enemy, thereby relieving other women of their burdens...

Crime fiction, General Fiction
272 pages

»Ingrid Noll writes books that move in a deceptive no-man's land between thrillers and family dramas, between women's books and cosy horror.«
Joachim Kronsbein / Der Spiegel, Hamburg
»The insolence with which Ingrid Noll depicts her murderesses as persecuted innocents is superb. What a subversive joke!«
Wilhelmine König / Der Standard, Vienna
»Ingrid Noll writes books that move in a deceptive no-man's land between thrillers and family dramas, between women's books and cosy horror.«
Joachim Kronsbein / Der Spiegel, Hamburg
»The insolence with which Ingrid Noll depicts her murderesses as persecuted innocents is superb. What a subversive joke!«
Wilhelmine König / Der Standard, Vienna
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