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Eine von vielen
Im Warenkorb

One of Many

Published by Diogenes as Eine von vielen
Original Title: Odna iz mnogih
Angela wants to be a singer. Angela wants to be discovered. A Moscow music producer tells her that she does not just need a good voice, but money too: for lyrics, composition and recording. But how do you get money when you’re just a simple girl from the provinces? »There are as many singers as there are grains of sand on the seaside. You’re just one of many.« Even though no music producer believes that Angela can make it in Moscow, make it she does. Because careers are made with the help of who you know. And given that Angela is a pretty young woman, it’s not hard for her to make contacts. The wealthy and married Nikolaj, for example. Doggedly determined and imperturbable, Angela pursues her dream – but once all the doors of opportunity are open to her, she realises that happiness looks completely different to how she imagined it.

»Viktoriya Tokareva’s stories are woven through with dry wit and warm humour, distanced and committed at the same time.«
Wolfgang Koydl / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich
»Everyday life in Russia with the stories great and small of happiness and betrayal, stories one doesn’t hear on the news.«
Annemarie Stoltenberg / Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Hanover
»Viktoriya Tokareva’s stories are woven through with dry wit and warm humour, distanced and committed at the same time.«
Wolfgang Koydl / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich
»Everyday life in Russia with the stories great and small of happiness and betrayal, stories one doesn’t hear on the news.«
Annemarie Stoltenberg / Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Hanover
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