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Zone Defence

A Case for Costas Haritos
Published by Diogenes as Nachtfalter
Original Title: Amyna Zonis

An earthquake on a Greek island: Some of the islanders are buried under the rubble, but a mysterious, long buried body resurfaces through the tectonic movement. Reason enough for Inspector Haritos to cut short his holiday in the Aegean and return to Athens with the body in tow. Another case is already waiting for him there: the murder of Koustas, unofficial king of the red-light district. Haritos buries himself in work, but soon he has to pay the price for not looking after himself: His heart goes on strike, and Haritos is taken to hospital. His only consolation: His daughter Katerina comes from Thessaloniki to be at his bedside. She too suffers from heart problems – if of a different kind …

Crime fiction, General Fiction
560 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes
(except Greek rights)