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Allmen und die verschwundene María
Im Warenkorb

Allmen and the Vanished Maria

Published by Diogenes as Allmen und die verschwundene María
Original Title: Allmen und die verschwundene María
While private investigator Johann Friedrich von Allmen and his assistant Carlos are still celebrating the successful recovery of the valuable Dahlia picture, Carlos’ life partner Maria Moreno disappears. Not a lovers’ tiff, as Allmen’s factotum assumes at first, but the brutal revenge of those who feel they were robbed. Maria in exchange for the Dahlia picture – that is the kidnappers’ demand. But they did not reckon with old Dalia Gutbauer. For she is unwilling to hand over the picture, and has her own ideas about what she wants to do with it. This, of course, puts Allmen, Carlos and Maria in an extremely precarious situation. They need to act fast, and they all give their best in a dramatic race against time.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
224 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

»These enchanting and quirky crime novels are reminiscent of Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle.«

Ulf Heise / MDR, Leipzig