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Im Warenkorb

Flights of Love

Published by Diogenes as Liebesfluchten
Original Title: Liebesfluchten

The forms of attractions and escape from love in seven stories: as suppressed longing and unwanted confusion, as desperate affairs and bold forms of escape, as the irreversible power of habit, as guilt and self-denial. All the protagonists here are entangled in their time: The past of Germany catches up with a young man where one least expects it – in the love of a picture. A successful old Sixty-Eighter juggles himself through the depths of his liberal marriage. A couple from East Berlin betrays each other – to save their marriage. A German student in New York goes to unusual lengths to save his love for an American Jewess. ›Flights of Love‹ are at the same time stories of the big city, stories about a baffled generation that always trips over the snares of its past.

General Fiction
320 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

»That sense of displacement, caught between history and emotion, drives Schlink's book of moving short stories.«
Steven Erlanger / New York Times

»Intimate, smart, powerful.«

The Washington Post
»That sense of displacement, caught between history and emotion, drives Schlink's book of moving short stories.«
Steven Erlanger / New York Times

»Intimate, smart, powerful.«

The Washington Post
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