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Ein Leben als Zwerg
Im Warenkorb

Life as a Dwarf

Published by Diogenes as Ein Leben als Zwerg
Original Title: Ein Leben als Zwerg
The hero of this book, and even its narrator, is a dwarf. A small, rubber dwarf of the sort that can be bought in any toy shop. But this dwarf has a secret: when nobody is looking, he comes to life. He can move, think, feel. He accompanies Uti, the boy whose loving gaze originally brought him to life, on his journey through life, living his own dwarf existence as the boy grows through manhood almost to old age. Some readers may recognize the house from the ›Blue Siphon‹, ›My Mother's Lover‹ and ›My Father's Book‹. The same father, the same mother – this time seen from the perspective of a dwarf. It is a mistake (that even old Uti commits) to believe that a dwarf is incapable of having intense emotions and profound thoughts. Or of having a destiny. For, despite appearing like the creations of Walt Disney, a destiny is something that all of the dwarves in this book have.

General Fiction
192 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes