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Himmlische Juwelen
Im Warenkorb

The Jewels of Paradise

Published by Diogenes as Himmlische Juwelen
Original Title: The Jewels of Paradise
Caterina Pellegrini, a musicologist, is, like many Italian professionals today, lacking a permanent, secure job. Thus she gladly accepts a research position at the Italian-German Foundation in Venice. The job she discovers, however, is different from the one she was promised: two greedy cousins hope that her examination of the documents of a long-dead ancestor will determine which of them is to inherit his possessions. The documents are kept in two ancient chests: Caterina is the only person with access to them. The ancestor – both a composer and a Vatican diplomat – conducted important missions for various German courts. But it was his music that made him immortal. Caterina passes between the Marciana Library in Piazza San Marco and the Foundation as more details are revealed. Was the composer somehow complicit with the most famous murder case of the era? And what does the elegant lawyer Moretti, who seems to be working for the two men who seek possession of the documents, have to do with it all?

General Fiction
304 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

»A fascinating study of greed, folly and how the most Machiavellian plots ultimately come to naught.«
The Guardian, London
»When I was researching for my new recording project, I found some wonderful music by a long-forgotten composer whose life was shrouded in mystery. It struck me at once: This is a case for Donna Leon!«
Cecilia Bartoli
»A fascinating study of greed, folly and how the most Machiavellian plots ultimately come to naught.«
The Guardian, London
»When I was researching for my new recording project, I found some wonderful music by a long-forgotten composer whose life was shrouded in mystery. It struck me at once: This is a case for Donna Leon!«
Cecilia Bartoli
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