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Im Warenkorb

A Refiner’s Fire

Commissario Brunetti’s 33rd Case
Published by Diogenes as Feuerprobe
Original Title: A Refiner's Fire

Shards of glass lay across Piazza San Marco. Two ›baby gangs‹ have clashed violently in the darkness. While Commissario Griffoni relies on her intuition to find out how a teenager can get caught up in a flash mob, Brunetti uses his own connections. Even Vice-Questore Patta is willing to do whatever it takes to protect himself and his surroundings from any violence – which is especially unwelcome in a tourist city like Venice.

General Fiction, Crime fiction
336 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes


»No one knows the labyrinthine world of Venice or the way favoritism and corruption shape Italian life like Donna Leon’s Brunetti.«

Johanna McGreary / Time Magazine, New York

»It’s always a pleasure to meet these carefully crafted characters who are so close to the hearts of Donna Leon’s readers.«

Lilo Solcher / Augsburger Allgemeine, Augsburg

»No one knows the labyrinthine world of Venice or the way favoritism and corruption shape Italian life like Donna Leon’s Brunetti.«

Johanna McGreary / Time Magazine, New York

»It’s always a pleasure to meet these carefully crafted characters who are so close to the hearts of Donna Leon’s readers.«

Lilo Solcher / Augsburger Allgemeine, Augsburg
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