
Foto: Privat / Archiv Diogenes Verlag
John Vermeulen
John Vermeulen was born in Antwerp in 1941. He died on August 23, 2009. Vermeulen was a journalist, sailor, and a writer who published his first novel at the age of fourteen. He has written some 25 works to date, including thrillers, science fiction, children's books, erotica and historical novels. He is the author of film and television scripts, plays and short stories. Vermeulen has received many awards for his writing.
- C.I.A.M. (Centrum voor Informatie over Audiovisuele Middelen) Preis für das Kurzfilmdrehbuch ›The Voodoo Machine‹, 2003
- Dutch award for science-fiction and fantasy für ›Ring van Eeuwigheid‹, 2003
- ›Internationaler Ambrozijn-Preis‹ für seine Kurzgeschichten, 2000
- ›John Flandersprijs‹ für sein Kinderbuch ›Het Internetmonstertje‹, 2000