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Valentin Lustigs Pilgerreise
Im Warenkorb

Valentin Lustig's Pilgrimage

Urs Widmer’s Report on a Stroll Among 33 of Valentin Lustig’s Paintings
Published by Diogenes as Valentin Lustigs Pilgerreise
Original Title: Valentin Lustigs Pilgerrreise
The story line is a »pilgrimage, which zigzags around an earth full of puzzles, often heavenly, sometimes hellish. Is it the way there? Is it the way back?« At first glance, Lustig's pictures seem poetic, uncanny and playful; but their pretty surface is »like a thin shell under which terrible things are found.« The pilgrimage deals with the end of the world, the great stillness, profound boundlessness and unrest. This is countered with humour, which both artists have: »Slowly I am getting older and wiser, now I know that the end of the world, like a spoiled diva, keeps us waiting; because you see, we are still here and Switzerland is, too.«

Art, cartoon, photography, General Fiction
19.5 × 24 cm
144 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes