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Das späte Leben
Im Warenkorb

The Late Life

Published by Diogenes as Das späte Leben
Original Title: Das späte Leben

At seventy-six, Martin is devoted to his family life with his young wife and six-year-old son when he suddenly learns that he has only a few months to live. Shocked, he searches for answers, wrestling with his feelings and existential questions about his legacy, the meaning of his love and what can be achieved in the short time he has left. Martin wants to do everything right, but later life is full of surprises and unforeseen challenges that he must face.

General Fiction
240 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

Film rights are handled by Diogenes


»The evidently strongly autobiographical novel impresses and moves as a radically honest self- examination in the face of death, waiting at the door.«

Ronald Schneider / Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf

»A powerful, unpretentious text about what matters in life when it comes to an end.«

Bernd Melichar / Kleine Zeitung, Graz

»A remarkable late-life narrative achievement. Chapeau.«

Peter Mohr / Aachener Zeitung, Aachen

»Death - what can it teach me about my life? Schlink introduces his contemporary readers to this old question with masterful dexterity.«

Nils Minkmar / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

»The postmodern abundance of options is narrowed down to a few relationships, thoughts and gestures, and this reduction unfolds an impressive power.«

Nils Minkmar / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

»It is about the last weeks of a cancer patient's life (...) and yet at the end there is serenity and reconciliation.«

Raimund Neuss / Kölnische Rundschau, Cologne

»His books come with a bestseller guarantee – his new novel is no exception.«

Frank Dietschreit / Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf

» […] a profound discussion on life and death.«

Annette König / SRF, Zurich

»Bestselling author Bernhard Schlink has written a novel on the highly complex art of taking leave.«

Karin Grossmann / Sächsische Zeitung, Dresden

»Schlink’s The Late Life is one of those works to which – once you’ve read them – you keep returning, to internalise certain passages over and over.«

Helmut Atteneder / Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Linz

»[…] a wise and honest book, devoid of illusion, but not ruthless and not unconciliatory either.«

Thomas Gross / Mannheimer Morgen

»A moving late work.«

Focus, Berlin

»The Late Life is a calm, big and important text.«

Annemarie Stoltenberg / NDR Kultur, Hanover

»The evidently strongly autobiographical novel impresses and moves as a radically honest self- examination in the face of death, waiting at the door.«

Ronald Schneider / Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf

»A powerful, unpretentious text about what matters in life when it comes to an end.«

Bernd Melichar / Kleine Zeitung, Graz

»A remarkable late-life narrative achievement. Chapeau.«

Peter Mohr / Aachener Zeitung, Aachen

»Death - what can it teach me about my life? Schlink introduces his contemporary readers to this old question with masterful dexterity.«

Nils Minkmar / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

»The postmodern abundance of options is narrowed down to a few relationships, thoughts and gestures, and this reduction unfolds an impressive power.«

Nils Minkmar / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

»It is about the last weeks of a cancer patient's life (...) and yet at the end there is serenity and reconciliation.«

Raimund Neuss / Kölnische Rundschau, Cologne

»His books come with a bestseller guarantee – his new novel is no exception.«

Frank Dietschreit / Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf

» […] a profound discussion on life and death.«

Annette König / SRF, Zurich

»Bestselling author Bernhard Schlink has written a novel on the highly complex art of taking leave.«

Karin Grossmann / Sächsische Zeitung, Dresden

»Schlink’s The Late Life is one of those works to which – once you’ve read them – you keep returning, to internalise certain passages over and over.«

Helmut Atteneder / Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Linz

»[…] a wise and honest book, devoid of illusion, but not ruthless and not unconciliatory either.«

Thomas Gross / Mannheimer Morgen

»A moving late work.«

Focus, Berlin

»The Late Life is a calm, big and important text.«

Annemarie Stoltenberg / NDR Kultur, Hanover
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