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Ediths Tagebuch
Im Warenkorb

Edith's Diary

Published by Diogenes as Ediths Tagebuch
Original Title: Edith's Diary
The diary of a mother who writes about the things that move her: her husband who adores her, and her son Cliffie who is doing brilliantly at the elite Princeton University where the girls and the companies all want him. And Edith herself who is a successful journalist. In fact, however, none of it is true! What Edith Howland writes about in her diary are daydreams, fantasies about an ideal world where there is no war, illness, separation, young drug dealers or loneliness.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
436 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

»Highsmith probes to the very core of her heroine with a controlled ferocity and single-mindedness that illumines every page of her novel.«
The Times, London
»As original, as funny, as cleverly written and as moving as any novel I have read since I started reviewing.«
Auberon Waugh / Evening Standard, London
»A work of extraordinary force and feeling ... her strongest, her most imaginative and by far her most substantial novel.«
The New Yorker
»Highsmith probes to the very core of her heroine with a controlled ferocity and single-mindedness that illumines every page of her novel.«
The Times, London
»As original, as funny, as cleverly written and as moving as any novel I have read since I started reviewing.«
Auberon Waugh / Evening Standard, London
»A work of extraordinary force and feeling ... her strongest, her most imaginative and by far her most substantial novel.«
The New Yorker
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