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Rossini oder die mörderische Frage, wer mit wem schlief...
Im Warenkorb

Rossini – Or the Deadly Question of Who Slept With Whom

Published by Diogenes as Rossini oder die mörderische Frage, wer mit wem schlief...
Original Title: Rossini oder die mörderische Frage, wer mit wem schlief...
Filmscript - with an essay by Patrick Süskind. In spite of all their differences, the guests of the Italian restaurant Rossini have one thing in common: they are all singles who have made the restaurant their second home. They use it as a living room and office, for private and social arguments, as a forum for self-portrayal, and as a stage for their erotic comedies and tragedies. They are all, in some wondrous way, involved with one another: hopeless love, hate, jealousy and friendships between men which survive everything else... The tragicomic embroilments are made even more turbulent by the appearance of a young actress with the fairy tale name of Snow-white, and they culminate in the defeat and triumph of the protagonists.

Cinema, General Fiction
304 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes