
Hartmut Lange
Hartmut Lange, born in Berlin in 1937, studied theatrical production. He has been honoured with several awards for his plays, essays and prose. His most recent publication is the volume of novellas At the Oslo Fjord or The Stranger. He is now a freelance writer and lives in Berlin.
- 2016/2017 mit dem ›Rom-Preis‹ verbundenes Stipendiat in der Deutschen Akademie Rom Villa Massimo, 2016
- Drei Monate lang Stipendiat der Hermann-Hesse-Stiftung in Calw, 2005
- ›Literatur-Nord-Preis‹ für Leptis Magna, 2004
- ›Italo-Svevo-Preis‹, 2003
- ›Kester-Häusler-Ehrengabe‹ der Deutschen Schillerstiftung von 1859 für das Lebenswerk, 2000
- ›Literaturpreis‹ der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 1998
- Schnitzlers Würgeengel ›Buch des Monats‹ Mai der Darmstädter Jury, 1995
- ›Prix de la littérature traduite‹ für Die Waldsteinsonate, 1989
- ›Gerhart-Hauptmann-Preis‹, 1968
- ›Förderpreis‹ der Niedersächsischen Landesregierung, 1966
»Hartmut Lange deserves being read with particular attention because he clearly differs from loud drummers, such as Grass or Boll, on the other side of the Rhine. One feels reminded of the plays by Maeterlinck and Wedekind.«
»The master of linguistic stringency.«
»His novellas are master narratives about the magical force of shadows creeping up unnoticed.«
»A minimalist with far-reaching effect.«
»The fragile elegance of his style is unmatched in contemporary literature.«
»The master among the fantastical rationalists.«
»Hartmut Lange deserves being read with particular attention because he clearly differs from loud drummers, such as Grass or Boll, on the other side of the Rhine. One feels reminded of the plays by Maeterlinck and Wedekind.«
»The master of linguistic stringency.«
»His novellas are master narratives about the magical force of shadows creeping up unnoticed.«
»A minimalist with far-reaching effect.«
»The fragile elegance of his style is unmatched in contemporary literature.«
»The master among the fantastical rationalists.«