Love in Case of Emergency by Daniela Krien praised by English-speaking media, to be published in 26 languages
British and Irish press are raving about the MacLehose edition of Love in Case of Emergency:
»Highly recommended«
Sunday Times, London
»A sympathetic and clear-eyed view of modern womanhood.«
Ángel Gurría-Quintana / Financial Times, London
»Written in unsentimental, affecting prose, this is an intelligent study of female desire, ambition and frailty«
Hannah Beckerman / The Observer, London
»Sparse and precise«
The Telegraph, London (Novel of the Week ****)
»A beautiful novel of what it is to be a woman in modern Europe«
The New European, London
Punchy and entirely of the moment, Love in Five Acts engages head-on with what it is to be a woman in the twenty-first century.«
Goethe-Institut, London
»Unfailingly impressive«
Irish Times, Dublin
»Utterly captivating [...] A beautifully written masterclass in human frailty.«
Woman's Weekly, London
»This portrait of five women is utterly captivating.«
Woman and Home, Bath
»Make yourself a hot chocolate or pour a glass of Grauburgunder; you’ll be in Germany any minute«
Saga, London
»Punchy and entirely of the moment, Love in Five Acts engages head-on with what it is to be a woman in the twenty-first century.«
Goethe-Institut, London
Foreign rights sold of Love in Case of Emergency – a total of 24:
Arabic (Al-Arabi)
Bulgarian (Sluntse)
Catalan (Bromera)
Chinese/CN (Beijing Publishing Group)
Czech (Metafora/Grada)
Danish (Arvids)
Dutch (Ambo/Anthos)
English/UK (MacLehose)
English/USA (HarperCollins)
Estonian (Varrak)
Finnish (Lurra)
French (Albin Michel)
Hebrew (Keter)
Hungarian (Maxim)
Italian (Garzanti)
Lithuanian (Gelmes Publishing)
Norwegian (Forlaget Press)
Polish (Sonia Draga)
Romanian (Humanitas Fiction)
Russian (Foliant)
Serbian (Booka)
Slovenian (Mladinska knjiga)
Spanish/world (Grijalbo)
Swedish (Louise Bäckelin)
Thai (Library House)