Donna Leon
Donna Leon, born in New Jersey in 1942, has worked as a travel guide in Rome and as a copywriter in London. She taught literature in universities in Iran, China, and Saudi Arabia. The Brunetti novels brought her to world-wide fame. Donna Leon lived in Italy for many years, and although she now lives in Switzerland, she often visits Venice.
- Ewige Jugend, Sigi Rothemund, 2019
- Stille Wasser, Sigi Rothemund, 2019
- Endlich mein, Sigi Rothemund, 2018
- Tod zwischen den Zeilen, Sigi Rothemund, 2017
- Das goldene Ei, Sigi Rothemund, 2016
- Tierische Profite, Sigi Rothemund, 2015
- Reiches Erbe, Sigi Rothemund, 2014
- Auf Treu und Glauben, Sigi Rothemund, 2013
- Schöner Schein, Sigi Rothemund, 2012
- Das Mädchen seiner Träume, Sigi Rothemund, 2011
- Lasset die Kinder zu mir kommen (TV), Sigi Rothemund, 2010
- Wie durch ein dunkles Glas, Sigi Rothemund, 2009
- Die dunkle Stunde der Serenissima, Sigi Rothemund, 2008
- Blutige Steine, Sigi Rothemund, 2008
- Endstation Venedig, Sigi Rothemund, 2006
- Das Gesetz der Lagune, Sigi Rothemund, 2006
- Beweise, dass es böse ist, Sigi Rothemund , 2005
- Verschwiegene Kanäle, Sigi Rothemund , 2005
- Sanft entschlafen, Sigi Rothemund, 2004
- Acqua Alta, Sigi Rothemund, 2004
- Venezianisches Finale, Sigi Rothemund , 2003
- Feine Freunde, Sigi Rothemund , 2003
- Nobiltà, Sigi Rothemund , 2002
- In Sachen Signora Brunetti, Sigi Rothemund , 2001
- Davon stirbt man nicht, Christine Hartmann, 2001
- Vendetta, Christian Castelberg, 2000
- Venizianische Scharade, Christian Castelberg, 2000
- ›Ehrenpreis des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten‹ für ihr Werk, 2024
- ›Ripper Award‹ von der Jury des Europäischen Preises für Kriminalliteratur, 2024
- ›Gaudium Award‹ des Breukelein Institutes, 2021
- ›Lifetime Achievement Award‹ vom Strand Magazine, 2019
- Ein Sohn ist uns geboren war auf der Shortlist des ›Golden Dagger Award‹, 2019
- ›B.Z.-Kulturpreis‹ (Berliner Zeitung), 2018
- ›Premio Pepe Carvalho‹ anlässlich des Krimifestivals BCNegra von der Stadtregierung Barcelonas, 2016
- Das Hörbuch Mein Venedig ist auf den 1. Platz des österreichischen Publikumspreises ›Buchliebling‹ gewählt worden, der Roman Verschwiegene Kanäle erzielte den 3. Platz in der Rubrik ›Krimis und Thriller‹, 2006
- ›Silver Award‹ in der Kategorie ›Krimi/Thriller‹ des britischen Hörbuchpreises ›Spoken Word Awards‹ für das englische Hörbuch Blood from a Stone (dt. Blutige Steine) , 2005
- Donna Leon erhält den ›Corine – Internationaler Buchpreis‹ für Die dunkle Stunde der Serenissima, 2003
- Donna Leon ist im Rahmen der Veranstaltungen zum Welttag des Buches für Nobiltà mit dem ›Goldenen Buch‹ des Österreichischen Hauptverbandes des Buchhandels ausgezeichnet worden., 2000
- Donna Leon erhält den ›Silver Dagger‹ der Crime Writers' Association für Friends in High Places (dt. Feine Freunde), 2000
- 3. Platz für Venezianische Scharade in der Internationalen Sparte beim 13. ›Deutschen Krimi-Preis‹, 1997
- Japans renommierter ›Suntory‹-Preis für Death at la Fenice (dt. Venezianisches Finale), 1991
»Donna Leon guides us through Venice like James Ellroy through Los Angeles or Manuel Vázquez Montalbán through Barcelona: with an eye used to detect what lies behind the façade.«
»Donna Leon's books are a joy.«
»When writing about her beloved Venice, Donna Leon can do no wrong.«
»[Leon] has never become perfunctory, never failed to give us vivid portraits of people and of Venice, never lost her fine, disillusioned indignation.«
»Hers is an unusually potent cocktail of atmosphere and event.«
»[Leon] uses the relatively small and crime-free canvas of Venice for rips about Italian life, sexual styles and - best of all - the kind of ingrown business and political corruption that seems to lurk just below the surface.«
»Leon started out with offhand, elegant excellence, and has simply kept it up.«
»Leon whips up a brilliant narrative storm.«
»Her depiction of Venice, its crimes and beauties, villains and heroes, high and low and the character of Brunetti and his family and friends has long been a delight for discerning readers. The warmth, understanding and shrewdness with which Leon’s elegant, witty prose depicts this particular part of Italy is a joy. She is one of the best European novelists around, and her unflinching address to current affairs makes her worthy of the highest regard.«
»Donna Leon's Venetian mysteries never disappoint, calling up the romantic sights and sound of La Serenissima even as they acquaint us with the practical matters that concern the city's residents.«
»She has reinvented Venice.«
»Her love for this city shines through from every line of her crime novels.«
»Leon’s pedagogical eros is akin to that of Mary Poppins. Who could resist it?«
»To read her is to restore the soul.«
»Donna Leon guides us through Venice like James Ellroy through Los Angeles or Manuel Vázquez Montalbán through Barcelona: with an eye used to detect what lies behind the façade.«
»Donna Leon's books are a joy.«
»When writing about her beloved Venice, Donna Leon can do no wrong.«
»[Leon] has never become perfunctory, never failed to give us vivid portraits of people and of Venice, never lost her fine, disillusioned indignation.«
»Hers is an unusually potent cocktail of atmosphere and event.«
»[Leon] uses the relatively small and crime-free canvas of Venice for rips about Italian life, sexual styles and - best of all - the kind of ingrown business and political corruption that seems to lurk just below the surface.«
»Leon started out with offhand, elegant excellence, and has simply kept it up.«
»Leon whips up a brilliant narrative storm.«
»Her depiction of Venice, its crimes and beauties, villains and heroes, high and low and the character of Brunetti and his family and friends has long been a delight for discerning readers. The warmth, understanding and shrewdness with which Leon’s elegant, witty prose depicts this particular part of Italy is a joy. She is one of the best European novelists around, and her unflinching address to current affairs makes her worthy of the highest regard.«
»Donna Leon's Venetian mysteries never disappoint, calling up the romantic sights and sound of La Serenissima even as they acquaint us with the practical matters that concern the city's residents.«
»She has reinvented Venice.«
»Her love for this city shines through from every line of her crime novels.«
»Leon’s pedagogical eros is akin to that of Mary Poppins. Who could resist it?«
»To read her is to restore the soul.«