Patricia Highsmith’s diaries to be published simultaneously in 9 languages in 2021
Patricia Highsmith would turn 100 in 2021 – and Diogenes will publish Her Diaries and Notebooks on that occasion. After presenting this in Frankfurt, there was quite a press buzz when the news of the sale of US rights to Liveright/Norton leaked to the media. Here’s a quote from Edward Helmore of The Guardian:
»It promises to be one of the literary highlights of 2021 – publication of the diaries of Patricia Highsmith, one of the most conflicted, fascinating novelists of the 20th century.«
Soon enough after that, Weidenfeld and Nicholson pre-empted UK rights and La Nave di Teseo bought Italian rights. This is the list of international publishers so far:
Catalan: Navona
Chinese/CN: Shanghai Translation
English (North America): Liveright / Norton (editor: Bob Weil)
English (UK): Weidenfeld & Nicholson (editor: Lettice Franklin)
French: Calmann-Lévy
Italian: La Nave di Teseo
Portuguese (BRA): Intrínseca
Spanish (world): Anagrama
The full English manuscript will be ready by April 2020. We aim for simultaneous publication in all nine territories in the second half of 2021.
Please find more press resonance here:
The New York Times
The Guardian